Gas station sign beginning with “don’t die a virgin” drawing attention

Owner says the meaning isn't what it seems

The station is known for putting up, shall we say quirky messages on its sign. This one is no exception. The entire text reads “Don’t die a virgin. Terrorists are up there waiting for you.”

The message is intended to make address the belief by some in the Islamic faith that they will find 72 virgins waiting in heaven if they martyr themselves.

The man who came up with it is by Grant Zimmerman, he writes many of the slogans and he told WISC-TV "when I put it up there, the store owner says, 'That stays there for three weeks.'"

Zimmerman said he doesn’t understand the uproar or those who are taking offense.

But after many told the owner they took the sign as a slam towards virgins, he decided to take it down.