Electric shock to the brain to improve math abilities

The Oxford University did a study on math students testing their math skills.

Scientists found that students’ math skills improved after zapping the brain with an electrical current.

They claim that the light shock boosts students’ math abilities by about 30 percent.

They tested around 50 students, and roughly half of them were given the light electrical current as they learned.

According to the findings, the participants were able to calculate math problems more quickly and would learn and retain a concept up to five times faster.

After five sessions, the ones who used the treatment were able to recall what they had been taught much easier than the part of the group that did not receive the treatment.

Even six months later, the difference in abilities was still evident between the groups.

By the way, they said the treatment is painless and non-invasive, so no worries about long term effects, other than mad math skills.