Elaborate hoax targets Joel Osteen

Claims he is leaving the Christian faith

A massive effort by someone just looking for a laugh has created a video claiming famous pastor Joel Osteen has renounced his religion.

In the video, the creator has made fake screenshots of popular news websites claiming his ‘announcement.’

A fake Twitter account was even created for the hoax along with the YouTube video.

“You cannot stop the negative comments. You can't prevent the negative labels, but you can choose to remove them.”

While there was no direct comment from Osteen himself on Twitter, he has sent tweets in recent days like:

And, “People may have tried to push you down, but if you'll just get in agreement with God, He will push you up.”

The fake site has a quote by ‘Osteen’ that says:

"Deep down in my heart, for a number of years now, I have been questioning the faith, Christianity, and whether Jesus Christ is really my, or anyone's, 'savior.”

You can see the video here:
