Dad arrested after posting ad asking someone to rape his 11 year old

Police shocked by fathers actions

Even veteran cops say the situation was one of the most sick they had ever encountered.

“I’ve never dealt with anything like this in my years of service,” Officer Randy Vaughn said. “This is not something we see a lot, obviously. Thank God.”

Vaughn told The Blaze that Anthony Brinkman posted the on-line ad asking for someone to help him sexually assault the girl with sex toys.

“From the time he posted that ad to the time we arrested him was less than 48 hours,” officer Mile Slaughter confirmed.

What Brinkman didn’t know was he was setting the meeting with cops in St. Louis.

Brinkman took the girl to a Cracker Barrel restaurant where he was arrested and the child taken from him. He has been charged with attempted statutory sodomy and sex trafficking of a minor.

Both officers were amazed by what the man had done.

"It's absolutely disgusting," Vaughn said. "It's sick and even from my world it's hard to believe. I'm a father of two young kids myself and to think there is a father out there that has strayed away from taking care of his children to put them in this danger is really hard to come to grips with."

The girl is now with relatives and Brinkman is being held on a $100,000 bond.

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