Cox Communications bolsters families with "Connect to Compete" program

Non-profit organizations funding internet access for low income families

The initiative is called "Connect to Compete" and Cox Communications in Tulsa is onboard with all their resources.

“Over one million hones still don’t have access to the internet” said Tiffani Bruton with Cox.

“75% of teachers assign online homework” Tiffani pointed out. “And 80% of business, including the job I’m at requires you to apply online.”

KRMG news asked Bruton to explain Connect to Compete.

The message is clear. Internet access isn’t just a luxury or leisure time activity, it’s necessary to be able to compete in today’s marketplace and schools.

“It’s simple” she began.” If anyone in the home qualifies for the free lunch program the house qualifies for Connect to Compete.”

The plan greatly reduces the cost of internet service and can even help with buying a computer.

“It’s $9.95 per month for a very robust internet product” Tiffani said smiling.

And if the family needs to buy a computer, they can get a desktop or a laptop for a greatly reduced price and installation will be free as well.

The program is funded by a national non-profit and participating sponsors. To make it a double win, the more people who use the program to find a job the fewer there taking up tax money on public assistance.

There are some rules that go along with the program.

The home must have not subscribed to Cox Internet service within the last 90 days and there can be no outstanding bills or unreturned Cox equipment.

Anyone wanting information can call the national number, 855-222-3252 to answer questions or sign up.

More here.