Computer tricks judges into thinking it's human

First ever to pass 'Turing Test'

For the first time ever, a supercomputer has tricked the experts, into thinking it was human.

On the one hand, it's pretty neat.

On the other, it's kind of scary, assuming you've seen the Terminator movies, where computers become self-aware and try to wipe out the entire human race.

In any event, HuffPost Live reports a group of judges at the Royal Society in London gave a set of questions to five humans and five computers.

Back in the 1950's, an early computer scientist name Alan Turing said if a computer could convince 30-percent of people that it was human, it should be considered to have reached human levels of intelligence.

And 33-percent of the judges thought the answers from a supercomputer named Eugene Goostman were from a human, which means it passed the so-called "Turing Test".

We just hope Eugene is nice.

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