Completely gross: New machine makes sweat into drinkable water

The "Sweat Machine" removes the sweat from wet or damp clothes, then filters and purifies it so it’s safe to drink.

Safe maybe but still pretty sickening sounding.

The recycled moisture is already in use at the Gothia Cup, a world youth soccer tournament.

The group even has sponsors on-board.

Discovery news reports the original idea came from UNICEF and a public relations company as a way to bring more attention to some of the areas around the world that consistently suffer from a shortage of water.

They’re promising so give money every time someone either offers up their own workout juice or drinks a cup of former sweat.

That money would be used to buy tablets that would to go countries without sufficient clean water to drink.

There is one drawback. It takes a complete load of sweaty laundry in order to get a single pint of drinkable water.

More here.