Company offers kidnapping for as little as $1,500

Service allow you to pick treatment

The service comes from a company called Extreme Kidnapping.

For $1,500 they will plan and execute a fake kidnapping of you or someone else you choose. Of course you might want to make sure the other person either knows about the plan or is a really, really forgiving type.

The obvious question is, why would anyone WANT to be kidnapped?

GQ magazine decided to have a writer take part in one of the abductions.

Remember here in America people do many things others think are, shall we say, unusual.

That writer, Drew Magary was nabbed at 3:00 a.m., taped to a chair, zapped with a stun gun, and soaked with cold water.

Those and other “tortures” are available depending on which package you choose.

Read more about Magary's adventure here and see what Extreme Kidnapping has to offer by clicking here.