Claremore Police investigating uptick in car burglaries

CLAREMORE, Okla. — Claremore Police say more than 20 cars have been burglarized in residential neighborhoods in the past couple of weeks.

Police believe at least two people are working together to burglarize unlocked cars late at night.

If the doors are locked, officers said, the thieves move on to the next car.

Police think both burglars are teenage males or men in their early 20s who are described as tall and thin.

Security footage shows them dressed in dark clothing, and sometimes wearing a crossbody bag or fanny pack across their chest.

If caught, police said, the thieves could face charges of third-degree burglary.

In the meantime, Claremore PD Sgt. Holland has one simple piece of advice to protect your property.

“Under stealth of darkness, they’re walking neighborhoods checking for unlocked cars. We’re also encouraging everybody to make sure when they go to bed that their cars are locked, and all their valuables are out of their vehicles, out of sight. It’s just better if you take all your stuff inside,” Sgt. Holland said.