Church holding service at Admiral Drive-In

Saying that people need a message of hope and joy during the coronavirus crisis, Pastor Justin Graves at Foundations Church in Tulsa was brainstorming ways they could still safely hold a service.

That's when his creative director at the church got, well, CREATIVE, saying they could hold a service at the Admiral Drive-In.

“He brought it to me and was like, hey what do you think about doing this, half-teasing, and I'm like, that's a great idea, I think that is phenomenal, let's GO,” Graves said.

The concession stand will be closed, but you can bring your own food and drink.

They're broadcasting their first Admiral Drive-In service this Thursday night at 8:00 p.m. on the east screen.

They plan to hold services at the drive-in every Thursday at 8:00 p.m. for as long as the church is closed.