Broken Arrrow drivers reminded that school begins Thursday

BAPD to have zero tolerance for speeders

Summer break is over as of Thursday, August 21st in Broken Arrow.

Police remind drivers to be prepared for longer drive times and other changes in your commute like slow school zones. Broken Arrow Police are again implementing "Operation Safe Streets" to reduce the typical increase in traffic collisions at the beginning of school.

Additional police officers will be assigned to traffic enforcement duties the first few weeks of school. Officers are letting drivers know ahead of time that they will be out and with zero tolerance for speeders in and around school zones.

Drivers are warned to watch for the yellow flashing lights and twenty-five mile per hour school zone speed limits, as well as children and crossing guards at posted crosswalks. The minimum fine for speeding in Broken Arrow school zones is $169.00 and increase to more than $469.00. Drivers cited for failure to stop for a school bus with red lights flashing will face a $249.00 fine and can also have their driver’s license suspended for the violation.

Beginning Thursday, drivers should watch for the activation of school zone speed limits, the presence of child pedestrians and crossing guards, congestion near area schools, the addition of school bus traffic as well as the large number of teen drivers on our streets when schools begin.