Broken Arrow tops list for first-time home buyers

Financial website WalletHub ranks BA #1

WalletHub assessed the affordability of homes, conditions of the real estate market and community environments in the 300 largest cities in the United States before selecting Broken Arrow as the best location for first-time home buyers.

17 key metrics were utilized in the ranking, ranging from median house prices to price-to-rent ratios.

Broken Arrow Mayor Craig Thurmond said he is not surprised.

The current median home value in Broken Arrow is $146,500, according to Zillow, a real estate database.

"You get a high value home for less than what you’d pay in other parts of the country," Mayor Thurmond said. "Our low crime rate, excellent schools, availability of high-paying jobs and a wide variety of recreational and cultural amenities makes Broken Arrow an attractive place for people to buy their first house."

Read the complete WalletHub report here.