Broken Arrow Police arrest car burglars

Teens working together, looking for unlocked cars

Broken Arrow police said they arrested nine car burglary suspects in less than a week.

BAPD told FOX23 News people should make sure they're locking their doors. Criminals are apparently checking for unlocked doors.

Police recovered electronics and other items from the suspects that were reported stolen from other cars. Broken Arrow police told FOX23 it's happening in different areas of town.

"Primarily in the midtown area, east and west midtown and south of Broken Arrow, primarily at this point," said Cpl. Leon Calhoun with Broken Arrow police.

Calhoun says that many of the nine suspected burglars arrested so far are juveniles and that they're working together.

"This is pretty much an individual effort, as far as separate groups that are targeting areas and obviously they're looking for easy opportunity," he said.

The best solution, according to BAPD, is to lock your doors.