Bill would require parents to take a class before divorcing

The idea is to educate them on the impact of divorce on minor children

A bill moving through the Oklahoma legislature would require parents of minor children to attend a class in how a divorce would possibly affect the children before the divorce could be granted.

Rep. Jason Nelson (R-Oklahoma City) wrote the measure, which has passed in the House and was cleared by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

He tells KRMG "We're not trying to change the grounds for divorce or do anything like that, we're just simply providing information."

The bill has not met with much opposition, although Nelson says there will be a couple of amendments that will address some legitimate questions raised by other lawmakers.

He added, "When somebody petitions for divorce, they would have to go through this short educational course, receive this information before the petition could be granted."

For one thing, parents seeking divorce would not have to attend the classes together.

Another amendment would rewrite the the law so that only the parent petitioning for divorce would actually be required to attend the class.

Nelson said he didn't know yet when the measure might be heard by the full senate, but he feels optimistic about its eventual passage.