Bill would give 'free pass' to underage drinkers if they try to save life

Would not apply to people who drink and drive

A state lawmaker wants to give immunity to underage drinkers, if they call 911 to save the life of a friend who has passed out or is otherwise in distress from binge drinking.

State Senator Cliff Branan (R-Oklahoma City) says there have been some cases where teens and college students have died, because their friends were scared to call for help.

"What's happening is they're afraid they're going to get kicked out of school or they're parents would get mad at them," Branan said.

He points out though that the immunity would not extend to driving while intoxicated.

He said if an underage drinker calls 911 for a friend who is obviously in distress and stays with the person until the ambulance arrives, the drinker will not be prosecuted for public intoxication.

Branan's bill has passed the Senate and now goes on to a House committee.