BAPS pushes back the start of school by two weeks

Enrollment for the virtual academy is also pushed back

BROKEN ARROW, Okla. — Broken Arrow Public Schools has decided to push back the start of the 2020-21 academic school year.

The first day of school is now Sept. 3 for grades K-12 and Sept. 8 for Pre-K.

A phone message was sent to parents Friday.

Educators also changed the deadline to enroll students in the Virtual Academy to Aug. 19.

“As we continue making data-driven decisions, we will utilize the extra two weeks before school starts to focus on protocol, planning and preparation,” Broken Arrow Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Janet Vinson said. “During this time, district administrators and staff will receive additional training on proper cleaning and disinfecting techniques; will be able to adjust and plan for a possible staggered schedule or distance learning situation, should the need arise; and to prepare our Virtual Academy for the 5,000+ students who have already enrolled in the program.”

Employees should expect to receive a new work schedule from the human resources department within the coming days.