Bag of cat heads discovered during road clean-up

Not known how or why the cats were beheaded

The gruesome discovery was made by a worker looking for illegal dumping along a roadside. When he looked inside a black trash bag, he found the animal remains.

We were all absolutely flabbergasted when we found out about this," Stephen Woods wrote in a memo to the Manchester City, England's city council.

The Daily Mail says Woods went on to write. "this is obviously an incredibly distressing and sickening incident which we are now looking into but this is the first incident of its kind we have come across."

“At this stage, we have no way of knowing how these animal parts came to be where they were discovered, but we will be contacting the RSPCA as this is clearly an extreme example of animal cruelty,” Wood concluded.

Woods told the Manchester Evening News, "it's absolutely disgraceful the way they have been treated," and promised to find out who did this and why.

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