Admiral Twin Drive-In damaged by storm

Owners of the Admiral Twin Drive-In are in a rush to get storm damage repaired by the weekend.

Blake Smith, the co-owner, says, “We won’t be able to show anything until we get it fixed. You would be missing a nice section of the picture.”

The historic Tulsa icon has been through a lot over the past few years.

He says, “It’s still pretty minor comparatively to three years ago when it burned down. You have to keep it in somewhat perspective.”

Smith and his partner have managed to get back on their feet after fire, funding challenges and vandalism.

Smith tells KRMG a little wind isn't going to scare them off.

“The winds must have been 85 miles-an-hour. And if it can withstand that, it’s going to take a heck of a storm to take us down further.”

The old screen was made of wood. The new, stronger screen is made of metal.

One side of the screen was untouched. So, the drive-in is still open. Smith says they’re trying to get both sides open by Friday.