222 year old anchcor recovered from bay

Artifact didn't come up easily

The anchor was discovered six years ago, but it took that long to find a way to get it to the surface.

Part of the 222 years-old relic was buried deep in the mud, and extreme weather caused large waves, making the project a challenge.

Researchers in Puget Sound believe the artifact was lost from Capt. George Vancouver’s voyage there aboard the HMS Chatham in 1792.

"I'm pretty overcome," historian Scott Grimm told the Seattle Times. "For me, I'm a Northwest guy and my family has been here since the 1880s," he continued. "The Chatham is our link to our past. My mom used to always say stuff isn't just stuff. It ties generations together."

The South Whidbey Record reports divers fitted the 900 pound anchor with a cradle before carefully raising it with a crane.

The antique will be shipped to Texas A&M for further study and verification.

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