$1million in gold found stuffed in airplane toilet

Thank goodness nobody flushed

The booty was in the potty. Kind of makes sense when you think about it.

Workers cleaning the aircraft found the 24 gold bars stuffed down in toilet of the Jet Airways plane during their routine cleaning duties at Kolkata airport in eastern India..

India and China are the two biggest gold importers in the world and the nation raised import fees three times within a year hoping to cut down on the demand.

Reports say smugglers are becoming more and more creative, including using the toilet and body cavities to get a little bling to into the nation.

Instead AFP reports gold smuggling has been a bigger problem for India after the bump.

Reuters reports the finding has airport security asking for something unique.

One investigator admitted "we are also asking the aircraft crew to tip us off about people who spend slightly more time in toilets."