15th human foot washes ashore

No one is sure where the body parts are coming from

The foot was still inside a size 10 ½ whi9te New Balance sneaker when it came ashore near Seattle this week.

“Who knows where they originated?” Albert Hulsen said.

Hulsen lives nearby, he told Fox Q13, "maybe it's not from this area at all but from one of the surrounding islands."

“They’re not being purposely cut off. Tennis shoes not only protect the feet but they’re also buoyant, and so they either float on the surface, or they’re in the high part of the water column, so they will float in with the tide,” a forensic scientist said.

The King County Medical Examiner’s Office believes the foot came off a body as it decomposed in the ocean.

Authorities say the body parts could be coming from anywhere in the Pacific ocean.

In an effort to find learn more, the medical examiner’s office released a picture of the shoe. They also pointed out there was a black, Hanes sock on the foot when it was found.

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