Broken Arrow Senior Center crafting hand-made cards to send to BAPS staff

They’ve already made cards for multiple hospitals, fire departments, and police stations

BROKEN ARROW, Okla. — A small group of ladies from the Broken Arrow Senior Center is working on making cards for every single Broken Arrow Public Schools staff member and teacher.

President Sean Simpson tells KRMG the senior center has several programs to keep members active and allow them to benefit the community.

“Our members like to do projects that are going to benefit people other than themselves," says Simpson.

“It started with just a few people,” Simpson says. “Then it became so large we couldn’t accommodate everybody in the room.”

The senior center has a “paper crafting class” formed by a small group of members who enjoyed making greeting cards for themselves.

So, with such enthusiasm for card making, and wanting to do good in the community, the “paper crafting class” decided they’d make hand-made greeting cards to send to important members of the community.

“First they sent them to health care workers, those front line people that were thrown into the COVID mess and they provided a little bit of nicety for people. Then it was police officers and firefighters. And now they’ve switched it to Broken Arrow Public Schools.”

Simpson tells KRMG the class isn’t just focused on some staff members, they want to send out greeting cards to every single person who works for BAPS.

“It’s a lot of papercuts but I’m telling you, these cards are better than any you can buy in a store. They use all kinds of creativity in these cards. They are absolutely fantastic, and every single one of them is made by hand, with basically nothing more than card stock.”

The class even made sure to keep up with current staff numbers, so they’ll be creating 2,839 cards.

Simpson says the class has about 600 more cards to go before they are complete, which the ladies said would take about two weeks.

Once they are finished making the cards, the class will have crafted 10,000 cards for the people who serve the Broken Arrow community.