Atheist PAC plans to push non-believer candidates

The group is called The Freethought Equality Fund, it's actually a political action committee with a specific goal.

Freethought says they will push the candidacy of atheists, humanists and non-believers who are running for office with the aim being to “change the face of American politics.”

The first order of business for the organization is fundraising so they can better push their agenda.

The FEF isn’t only limited to those seeking to secure positions on the national level, though. The organization pledges to support secularists who are seeking posts at all levels of government.

And they have promised to throw their weight around in all levels of politics and government instead of a sole focus on national races.

Their website says:

“The FEF PAC will provide nontheist Americans the opportunity to make their voices heard in the political process by supporting candidates who identify as humanist, atheist, agnostic, and who share our goals of protecting the separation of church and state and defending the civil liberties of secular Americans.”

The group did cross lines a bit when they promised to get behind any candidate regardless of belief if they are “supporting the rights of non-believers.”

The effort comes after atheists have fallen short in their attempts to gain traction including the failure to remove "In God We Trust" from United States currency.