TULSA, Okla. — The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) came to Tulsa Technology Center (TTC) with an idea, to modify a pick axe by cutting the end off and putting a blunt end on it.
The purpose is to use it to break into door and even walls.
Gilbert Moore is the welding instructor for TTC.
Moore said TTC likes to help local law enforcement.
“We like to help out our local law enforcement, particularly, our first responders,” he said, adding that his students have also done work for the fire department in the past.
This kind of job gives students the opportunity to work with a client, where they process the needs of the job and determine where to cut and weld it back together.
TCSO said within law enforcement, they like to build community partnerships and one of their biggest partners is TTC.
Deputy Richey Gonzalez works in Community Policing.
He said the department is pleased with the final product.
“It’s really a benefit to have. You know we already had breaching tools and equipment but in the use of those, they can break or be damaged so having that partnership that’s already there, just strengthening it and using it in a different avenue,” Deputy Gonzalez said.
The students made two of the modified tools and will make two more. These new breaching tools will be used by Front Line Policing and the S.W.A.T team.
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