The selection of flowering plants available today is almost endless. For every type of flower, there are literally hundreds of varieties with a wide range of colors. Since very few flowering plants stay in bloom all season, gardeners need to select a number of annuals, perennials, flowering trees, and shrubs to attain an exciting and beautiful succession of blooms in the garden. Here are a few of my favorite flowering plants. Happy Gardening! - Allan Storjohann
Annuals for Shade
- Coleus - multi-color
- Caladium - multi-color
- Wax Begonia - red, pink, white
- Forget Me Not - white, yellow, blue
- Johnny Jump Up - white, yellow, blue
- Trailing Lobelia - white, blue
- Torenia - blue, yellow
- Browallia - blue
Perennials for Shade
- Columbine, pink, yellow,
- Bleeding Heart, Dicentra, pink
- Lenten Rose, Helleborus, pink
- Plantain Lily, Hosta, white
- Monkey Grass, Liriope, white, blue
- Mondo Grass, Ophiopogon, white
- Ribbon Grass, Phalaris, leaves white and green
- Yellow Archangel, Lamiastrum, variegated leaf
- Sweet Woodruff, Galium, yellow
- Coral Bells, Heuchera, pink, white
- Japanese Sedge Grass leaves yellow to white
Annuals for Full Sun
- Angelonia, lavender, pink, white
- Supertunia Petunia, many colors
- Calibrachoa (Million Bells), many colors
- Periwinkle, white, pink, rose red
- Marigold, yellow, orange
- Penta (Star Flower)pink, white, red
- Zinnia, pink, yellow,
- Lantana, yellow, white, orange
- Verbena, red, pink, purple
- Gazania, yellow orange
- Gomphrena (Globe Amaranth), pink, purple
- Nierembergia (Cup Flower), white, purple
- Portulaca, multi color
- Scaevola (Fan Flower), blue
- Sunflower, sunny yellow
More Annuals for full sun
- Sweet Potato Vine, chartreuse, variegated
- Sun Coleus, yellows, pinks, combinations
- Cleome (Spider Flower)white, pink
- Osteospermum, purple, white, yellow
- Euphorbia, white
- Annuals for Sun with Protection
Or Afternoon Shade
- Ageratum, blue
- Geranium, red, pink, white
- Snapdragon, yellow, pink
- Wax Begonia, red, pink white
- Celosia (Cock’s Comb), red, yellow
- Impatiens, red, pink white
- Salvia, blue, red
- Strap Leaf Caladium, white, green, pink
- Dianthus, pink, red
- Primula, pink, red, white, multiple
- Pansy, white, yellow, purple, red
- Nicotiana (Flowering Tobacco), red, white
Perennials for Sunny Locations
- Rudbeckia (Black-Eyed Susan), yellow
- Achillea (Yarrow) yellow-white
- Artemisia, silver, yellow
- Butterfly Weed yellow-orange
- Willow Leaf Bellflower, blue
- Lance Leaf Coreopsis, yellow
- Thread Leaf Coreopsis, yellow
- Coneflower, pink, yellow, red, orange
- Globe Thistle, pink
- Blanket Flower, Gaillardia, orange
- Daylily, all colors
- Red Hot Poker, Kniphofia, yellow, orange
- Gayfeather, Liatris, pink
- Speedwell, Veronica, blue
- Russian Sage, Perovskia, blue
- Gaura, white, pink
- Verbena, red, pink, purple
- Ice Plant, Delosperma, white, yellow
- Catmint, Nepeta, blue
- Autumn Sedum, pink
- Canna, many colors, and sizes
Wonderful Old Fashion Shrubs
- Althea, Rose of Sharon, pink, white, purple
- Bridal Wreath Spirea, white
- Vanhoutte Spirea, white
- Butterfly Bush, white, pink, purple
- Chaste Tree, purple, blue, white
- Snowball Viburnum, white
- Forsythia, Yellow
- Lilacs, white, lavender, pink
- Japanese Kerria, yellow
Shrubs that Bloom in Shade
- Azaleas Native and Hybrid, and many colors
- Rhododendrons, many colors
- Glossy Abelia, white
- Oakleaf Hydrangea, white
- Virginia Sweetspire, white
- Leucothe, white
- Viburnums, mostly white
- Nandina, white
- Hydrangeas, PeeGee, and Lacecap
- Camellias, red, pink, double, and single
- Mahonia, yellow
- Weigelia, red, pink
- Great Crapemyrtles
- Hope white 3′-5′
- Victor Red 3′-5′
- Velma’s Royal Delight Magenta, 3′-5′
- Zuni lavender 5′-7′
- Hopi pink 5′-7′
- Catawba deep violet purple 10′
- Raspberry Sundae Raspb. red 10′-20′
- Pink Velour pink, 10′-20′
- Dynamite cherry red 10′-20′
- Natchez white 20′
- Choctaw bright pink 20′
Best Vines
- Clematis, many colors
- Akebia, white
- Carolina Jessamine, bright yellow
- Crimson Trumpet Honeysuckle, red
- Chinese Wisteria, lavender, white
- Trumpet Vines, orange
- Silver Lace Vine, white
- Boston Ivy is great for fall color
- Mandevilla (not winter hardy), pink, red
Landscape Roses
- Carefree Wonder Pink
- Flower Carpet Pink
- Carefree Delight Rose
- Flower Carpet White
- Royal Bonica Pink
- Scarlet Meidiland Red
- Knock Out Red, Pink, and white
- Simplicity Red, Pink, White
- The Fairy Pink
- Sunsprite Yellow
- Lady Elsie May Pink
- Living Easy Yellow Orange
- Shrubs with Colorful Berries
- Firethorn Pyracantha
- Spreading Cotoneaster
- Dwarf Burford Holly
- Nellie R. Stevens Holly
Trees with Terrific Fall Color
- Red Maple Red Oak
- Sugar Maple Ornamental Pear
- Ginkgo Japanese Maple
- Autumn Purple Ash Sweet Gum
- Chinese Pistache Black Gum
- River Birch Linden
Shrubs with Colorful Leaves for Use in Sunny Spots
- Frasiers Photinia
- Silverberry Elaeagnus
- Golden Vicary Privet
- Mound Lily Yucca
- Horizontal Juniper
- Purple Sand Cherry
- Burning Bush
Shrubs with Showy Foliage for Use in Shade
- Oakleaf Hydrangea
- Variegated Acanthopanax
- Nandina
- Leucothoe
- Japanese Andromeda
- Leatherleaf Mahonia
- Oregon Grape Mahonia
- Gold Dust Plant, Aucuba
- Leatherleaf Viburnum
- Zabel’s Laurel
- Otto Luyken Laurel
- Rhododendrons
- Camellias
- Japanese and English Yew
- Julianne Barberry
- Chamaecyparis, False Cypress
- Variegated Dogwood
Colorful Ornamental Grasses
- Purple Fountain Grass
- Hamlen Dwarf Fountain Grass
- Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass
- Silver Maiden Grasses
- Pink Pampas Grass
- Variegated Japanese Silver Grass
- Moudry Fountain Grass
- Pink Muhly Grass
- Ravenna Plume Grass
- Porcupine Maiden Grass
- Zebra Grass
- Little Bluestem
- Blue Lyme Grass
- Blue Fescue
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